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Expand your global workforce in Uzbekistan

Your guide to the employment landscape, working customs and local labor laws in






Uzbek, Russian, Tajik

GDP per Capita


Employer Tax

16.8% - 37.1%

Payroll Frequency


Talent overview

Uzbekistan is a Central Asian country with a population of 3.4 crores. The country recorded a GDP growth of 7.4%, with a core focus on construction and agriculture sectors. It was placed 69 in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index and has a freedom score of 55.7 as the 117th freest economy as per the Heritage Foundation.

Major economic hubs:

Kokand, Andijan, Namangan

Skills in demand:

CEO, Financial Manager, IT Director, Marketing Director


Top local universities in Uzbekistan

Uni1 29

Samarqand Davlat Tibbiyot Universiteti


Local: 1

World : 1940

Uni2 25

Toshkent davlat transport universiteti


Local: 2

World : 2872

Uni3 22

Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti


Local: 3

World : 5421

Uni4 23

Toshkent Shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster Universiteti


Local: 4

World : 6122

Uni5 22

O’zbekiston Milliy Universiteti


Local: 5

World : 6782

Top Local Job Boards:


Number of LinkedIn users:


Top Recruitment Agencies:

HRC Consulting, Business Status

Where to find talent

Top Local Job Boards:

Number of LinkedIn users:

Top Recruitment Agencies:

Salary Data

Some common jobs in Uzbekistan with average monthly salary are:

Job Title Average Monthly Salary (in UZS) Average Monthly Salary (in USD)
Financial Manager 2,570,000 UZS USD 227.86
General Manager 2,380,000 UZS USD 211.01
Business Development Manager 2,140,000 UZS USD 189.73
Financial Analyst 1,640,000 UZS USD 145.40
Business Analyst 1,730,000 UZS USD 153.38
Project Manager 1,750,000 UZS USD 155.16

Employ in Uzbekistan

Employing in Uzbekistan

The Labour Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1996 regulates the employment relationships in Uzbekistan. All employers and employees must comply with these legislations to remain within the legal domain. The section below covers the important aspects of the Code, which all employers in Uzbekistan must know.

Employee Contract:

Uzbekistan recognizes both temporary and indefinite contracts. It is important for all employers to present their candidates with a written employment contract and for the candidate to sign them as evidence of acceptance.

Probation Period

The probation period in Uzbekistan cannot exceed three months.

Public and Provincial Holidays 2023

Date Holiday Type
1 Jan New Year’s Day Public Holiday
8 Mar International Women’s Day Public Holiday
21 Mar Navruz Public Holiday
10 Apr Eid al-Fitr Public Holiday
9 May Day of Memory and Honour Public Holiday
17 Jun Eid al-Adha Public Holiday
1 Sep Independence Day Public Holiday
1 Oct Teacher’s Day Public Holiday
8 Dec Constitution Day Public Holiday

Employee Leaves

Type of Leave Time Period Mandatory
Annual leaves 15 days Yes
Sick leaves Granted as per requirement, 100% remuneration if sickness is work-related Yes
Maternity leaves 126 days (70 days before birth and 56 after birth) Yes


Leave Compliance

Payroll in Uzbekistan

Tw Payroll Img1

Payroll cycle

Uzbekistan follows a monthly payroll cycle.

Tw Payroll Img2

Minimum wage

The minimum wage in Uzbekistan is UZS 920,000 per month.

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Overtime pay

The standard working hours in Uzbekistan are 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Employees who dedicate additional hours to work are liable for overtime pay. The overtime pay is calculated at 200% of the average pay, for both rest and normal days.

How taxes work

Employer Payroll Tax:

Contribution Tax
Social security 12%
Pension 0.1%

Employers must also pay the social tax, charged on the gross payroll of the foreign and resident employees, as follows:

Contribution Tax
Budget organizations 25%
Association of ‘SOS Children’s Villages of Uzbekistan’ 7%
Taxpayers using the labor of persons with disabilities working in specialized workshops, sections and enterprises 4.7%
Others 12%

Employee Payroll Tax:

Contribution Tax
Social Tax Budget organizations 25%
Association of ‘SOS Children’s Villages of Uzbekistan’ 7%
Taxpayers using the labor of persons with disabilities working in specialized workshops, sections and enterprises 4.7%
Others 12%
Social security 4%
Unemployment insurance 0.50%
Housing loan 1%
Employee training contribution (INCES) 0.50%

Employee Income Tax:

Taxable income Tax
Employment, rent, capital gains, etc. 12%
Dividends and interest for residents 5%


The standard rate of Value Added Tax in Uzbekistan is 15%.


13th Month Pay:

Uzbekistan does not mandate 13th-month pay.

Employee Benefits:

  • Pension
  • Social security
  • Paid leaves
  • Employment insurance
  • Maternity leaves

Employee offboarding

If an employment contract in Uzbekistan is terminated either by the employer or employee’s initiative, the termination must be recorded in writing, and all the payments must be settled.

If a contract is terminated before its expiry, both parties must respect the conditions mentioned in the contract. If there is a penalty clause for early termination, the responsible party must pay the due or face legal action.

The notice period in Uzbekistan depends on the reason for termination, as highlighted below:

Reason for termination Length of notice period
Redundancy 2 months
Inability to perform due to health or professional reasons 2 weeks
Change in business ownership 2 months
Lack of performance or gross misconduct 3 days

The severance pay in Uzbekistan is provided at the rate of one month for every two years of employment.

Tw Visa Img

Visa and

Employment visa in Uzbekistan is given by the Uzbek Ministry of Labour. The visa has a validity of 3-12 months and can be renewed an unlimited number of times. However, any foreigner employed by a foreign company who visits Uzbekistan for work purposes must apply for a B2 visa and not an Employment visa. The employer is responsible for applying for the work visa, on behalf of the employee. They must also get the necessary accreditation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, as a part of the formalities. The employee has to only sign the relevant forms and forward the required documents.

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